Pertanyaan Yang Sering Diajukan Seputar Asuransi Mobil di Indonesia


insureka! always open to its customers and provide the best solutions.

What is insureka?

insureka! is Indonesia's new era car insurance for the online generation. With the tagline Simply Smarter, insureka! presents a smart, simple and economical system with basic Artificial Intelligence technology. All processes are becoming more accountable and transparent.

In which city/province is Insureka! offer insurance?

insureka! offers car insurance for the Jabodetabek area.

Can I buy an insurance policy for commercial purposes?

insureka! offers protection products for commercial fleets through Fleet insurance policies. The protection covers passenger cars to cargo transport units.

Who can view insurance policies and change them?

The policy owner and authorized family members can view the policy. Policy changes can only be made by the insured.

If you buy a policy today, when is the effective date?

The insurance policy is valid from the day it is issued. Later notification will be provided by Insureka! after verification is complete and the policy is issued. This information disclosure is to support customer comfort.

Is the policy with the old insurance company automatically canceled after registering with insureka!, then is there a refund from the old policy?

No. Customers only need to confirm with the old insurance company regarding the deactivation status of their policy. Customers are open to a proportional refund according to the policy activation period, especially since there has been no disbursement of claims at all.

How do I cancel an insurance policy and how much can be returned?

In principle, customers can cancel the insurance policy at any time. The process is simply done via the website or the Insureka! Application. Regarding the potential for a proportional refund, it is very open if the policy status has not expired and the claim has not been disbursed.

What is electronic delivery? Can goods be delivered directly to me?

Yes. Electronic delivery is the best option today. The applicable forms of electronic delivery are policies, bills and other correspondence. This small contribution turns out to have a positive impact on environmental sustainability. Reducing paper consumption helps reduce the potential for deforestation.

Can I buy car insurance registered in another province?

Vehicles registered for insureka policy! ideally located in the Jabodetabek administrative area.

How to measure car mileage in miles?

Mileage can be measured by periodically or routinely recording the car's odometer. For low mileage, it can be done according to the duration of the quarter month.

So that the measurements are valid, insureka! will send a device that can be connected to the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD-II) Port. This device will then send data and information securely via a cellular modem. Everything is connected via smartphone.

Can ridesharing vehicles such as Grab or GoJek and others be insured?

Ridesharing vehicle units cannot currently be protected through Insureka! products. There are currently no Insureka products! which provides coverage for ridesharing vehicle units.

Is Emergency Roadside Assistance part of the policy premium or do you have to pay it separately?

Free roadside assistance is essentially provided free of charge for all policies, except ACT OF GOD policies.

Who covers the customer's car insurance policy?

insureka! is an exclusive partner of Rama Insurance. The customers' car insurance policies are covered by Rama Insurance.

Is there any insureka protection product! besides car insurance?

insureka! Currently only offers protection products for car units. The protection can be applied to new and second-hand private cars and even commercial fleets.

Is it insureka! offers Comprehensive coverage for low mileage insurers?

Yes, insureka! In principle, it offers comprehensive coverage. However, adjustments will be made considering that financing or leasing companies have their own coverage regulations. For this reason, verification must be carried out in detail before customers choose their coverage status.

What is meant by car insurance and what are the protection limits?

Car insurance is a guarantee of protection from the insurance company for potential risks that arise. The potential risks that are protected are various levels of damage up to loss of the car unit. Protection is also provided when the mobile unit is on board a ferry under the supervision of the Directorate General of Land Transportation. The risk protection coverage provided includes:

  1. Collision, Impact, Overturning, Slipping, Falling.
  2. Evil Acts, Theft.
  3. Fire.

How do I buy car insurance through Insureka?

Here's how to buy car insurance products from Insureka!, namely:

  1. CONNECTION MODE, downloading the insureka App! or visit the insureka! website. Customers can choose the type of protection, extend the guarantee, then submit the required documents.
  2. PAYMENT, customers can choose the payment method they want. All types of payment methods are available here.
  3. SURVEYS, customers can determine their independent survey status via the application or website. For certain conditions, customers can also ask the surveyor to come according to the specified time.
  4. ISSUANCE OF POLICY, the document will be issued electronically or e-Policy. The time for publication is less than 24 hours after approval for the implementation of the survey. e-Policy will be sent to the email address specified by the customer. When the policy is issued, the protection formula is automatically active.

What are the requirements needed to activate the Insureka policy protection system! At the moment?

The main requirements and documents needed when registering for Insureka! is:

  1. Upload SIM, STNK and KTP documents.
  2. Uploading Photos of Car Unit Panels.
  3. Provide detailed and valid information regarding the model, brand and year of manufacture of the car.

What are the additional protection coverage extensions offered by Insureka! At the moment?

Customers can formulate the best protection according to their needs. Because, expansion of protection coverage is open through activation of the following features:

  1. Floods-Storms, Typhoons, Earthquakes-Tsunami, Landslides and Volcanic Eruptions.
  2. SRCC (Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion).
  3. Terrorism and Sabotage.
  4. Third Party Legal Liability.
  5. Driver's Personal Accident.
  6. Passenger Personal Accidents.

Is there any guarantee provided for the risk of losing the car unit due to crimes of embezzlement, fraud or hypnosis?

The risk of losing a vehicle unit triggered by a crime of embezzlement, fraud, hypnosis, or the like is not included in the insurance policy or the Standard Indonesian Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy.

Can a claim be made for a car that is damaged and driven by a driver with an expired or inactive driver's license?

Insurance claims must essentially be supported by the completeness and validity of the documents, apart from being made less than 5 calendar days after the risk incident. An active or still valid SIM position is absolutely necessary. Because, this refers to the applicable Road Traffic and Transportation Law regulations.

This means that coverage does not guarantee risks that arise when the driver does not have a valid driver's license.

Are losses due to damage or loss of the car unit on the ferry (ferry) covered by the insurance policy?

Cars that are involved in risk factors due to damage or loss of the unit while on board a ferry under the auspices of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation are guaranteed through an insurance policy. Protection and loss guarantees also apply if the ship experiences an accident.

What happens to the policy in case of ownership change?

Polis is very open to changes in ownership. The policy approval process will be given to the new owner after the regulations are met.

Is loss coverage due to risk provided in the clause of a personal car policy used for commercial purposes?

Policy coverage guarantees are not provided for conversion of private cars to commercial purposes or online taxis. This is because protection for the car's function for commercial purposes (transporting people and cargo) must be carried out from the start through the Fleet Policy recommended product.

How to get product information and communicate with Insureka Customer Service! At the moment?

Our mobile and web applications are very user friendly. Customers can get complete information regarding insurance protection products via the insureka! website or application. For more information, you can contact Insureka Customer Service! through:

Call Center:+62 855 7467 5856, WhatsApp +62 813 9978 1167

Are there any interesting promotions being given by Insureka! when customers purchase protection products?

insureka! memberikan diskon 25% dan rewards 20% jika registrasi dilakukan saat ini. Pemberian promo tersebut otomatis memberikan efisiensi skema pembiayaan perlindungan hingga 45% dalam setahun.

What does it look like to determine the price of coverage for Insureka policy products? At the moment?

The insurance price or premium is determined according to the type of insurance policy with calculations according to a system supported by Artificial Intelligence technology. The calculations are more accountable and transparent. The value calculation is still based on the Financial Services Authority (OJK) regulation Number 6/SEOJK.05/2017.

However, customers can also manually calculate the premium value or insurance policy coverage. The simulation is as follows:

Premium Number = Insurance Premium Percentage x Car Price per Category.

Note: The insurance premium percentage is based on the coefficient according to the zoning.

After the policy is issued, can customers add coverage expansion features such as Riot, Terrorism-Sabotage, Flood-Storm, Earthquake-Tsunami, and others?

Additional coverage expansion features and payments can be made when the policy status is active.

Can you explain the status of expanding Personal Accident coverage for Drivers and Personal Accident for Passengers?

Personal Accident Coverage for Driver-Passengers guarantees against potential injuries, injuries and even death. This feature also covers medical expenses directly caused by a car accident. This coverage can be added through Insureka products! as follows:

  1. Comprehensive Premium Policy.
  2. Polis Comprehensive Basic.
  3. Total Loss Only (TLO) Policy.
  4. Hybrid Protection Policy.

How is the Legal Liability claim for Third Parties explained?

Risks sometimes come with involving third parties. For this reason, the guarantee is guaranteed! through Legal Liability claims for Third Parties. The losses that are guaranteed are comprehensive, such as damage to third party property. This feature is also a solution for financing third party treatment for injuries or death.

What is meant by a partial loss claim?

This claim is in the form of a solution for damage or loss of the vehicle unit with a repair financing slot below 75% of the actual price of the car before the risk incident occurred.

What is total loss claim?

Total loss occurs if the car repair financing is equal to or above 75% of the vehicle's current value.

If the car is stolen, can customers file a claim?

Yes, this claim can be made to activate Comprehensive Premium, Comprehensive Basic, Total Loss Only (TLO) and Hybrid Protection policy products. Because, this policy has a Theft by Driver feature with included status. The detailed regulations for claims of theft by drivers are:

  1. The theft was committed by the driver himself.
  2. The driver has permanent employee status for a minimum duration of 6 months.

What is the maximum age of a car that can be protected through Insureka products! At the moment?

The maximum age of a car that can be protected through Insureka products! reaches 15 years. The age map of the protected car is determined according to the type of insurance policy applied, namely:

  1. The maximum age of a car is 15 years and can apply for a Total Loss Only (TLO) policy.
  2. Maximum car age of 13 years can apply for Comprehensive Premium and Comprehensive Basic policies.
  3. The maximum car age of 5 years is intended for Hybrid and Catastrophic Protection Policies.

What cars can be protected through Insureka products! At the moment?

All private or commercial cars, both new and second hand, can be protected with Insureka products! Because, insureka! has prepared various protection formulas according to customer needs.

Can all car brands be insured through Insureka products!?

All car brands can be insured through Insureka!. There are several car brands that can apply Insureka products! including Toyota, Daihatsu, Datsun, Mitsubishi, Honda, Isuzu, Astra Isuzu, Range Rover, Mazda, Nissan, Suzuki, Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, MINI Cooper, Renault, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Hyundai, FIAT, Jaguar, Jeep, Kia, and others.

How does insurance explain personal or commercial use of a car?

Restrictions regarding cars for personal and commercial use are:

  1. The car is for personal use, the insured does not receive compensation in the form of services or money. The vehicle unit is purely used for the insured's own benefit.
  2. Cars for commercial use, the insured receives compensation in the form of services or money as a rental result. The form of rental can be passenger or cargo.

Please explain terms or definitions in the Car Insurance industry?

  1. The Insured is an individual or legal entity who has a financial interest in a motor vehicle and is bound by the Insurer to obtain protection for the motor vehicle.
  2. Guarantor, is an insurance company that binds itself with the Insured to provide compensation for loss and/or damage to motor vehicles and/or the insured interests.
  3. Collision, is physical contact between a motorized vehicle and another object, including animals, that is outside the motorized vehicle.
  4. Own Risk, is a certain amount borne by the Insured for each event.
  5. Personal Use, is the use of a motorized vehicle for the vehicle user's personal transportation purposes.
  6. Commercial Use, is the use of motorized vehicles for rental or to obtain service fees (for example: online taxis).
  7. Hypnosis, is an act of fraud that causes a person without their awareness to become submissive and follow the hypnotist's wishes to hand over part or all of their motor vehicle to the hypnotist or other unauthorized person.
  8. Riots are the actions of a group of at least 12 (twelve) people who, in carrying out a common goal, create an atmosphere of disturbance of public order by making noise and using violence and destroying other people's property, which is not yet considered a riot.
  9. Brawl, is a fight between groups of people involving at least 5 (five) people which causes disruption to the atmosphere of public order by making noise and using violence and destroying other people's property which is not considered a riot.
  10. Riots, is a situation in a city where large masses of people together or in small groups create an atmosphere of chaos and disturb public security by making noise and using violence as well as a series of large amounts of property destruction . The effect is the emergence of fear in society, which is characterized by the cessation of more than half of the normal activities of trade/shopping centers or offices or schools or public transportation in the city for at least 24 (twenty four) continuous hours starting before, during or after the event.
  11. Revolution, is a violent popular movement to carry out radical changes to the constitutional system (government or social conditions) or overthrow a legitimate de jure or de facto government, which is not yet considered a rebellion.
  12. Rebellion, is an organized act of a group of people who carry out rebellion and/or opposition to a de jure or de facto legitimate government with violence using firearms, which can threaten the continuity of the de jure or de facto legitimate government. facto.
  13. Invasion, is the act of military force of a country entering another country's territory with the intention of occupying or controlling it temporarily or permanently.
  14. Civil War, is an armed conflict between regions or between political factions within the territorial boundaries of a country with the aim of fighting over the legitimacy of power.
  15. War and Hostilities, is a broad armed conflict (either with or without a declaration of war) or an atmosphere of war between two or more countries, including war games by a country or joint war games between countries.
  16. Treason, is the act of a person acting on behalf of or in connection with an organization or group of people with activities directed at de jure or de facto violent overthrow of the legitimate Government or influencing it with terrorism or sabotage or violence.
  17. Sabotage, is the act of damaging property or obstructing the smooth running of a job or causing a decrease in the value of a job. This action is carried out by a person or group of people, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with an organization or government in an effort to achieve political, religious, ideological or similar goals, including the intention to influence the government and/or frighten the public or part of society.
  18. Terrorism, is an act, including but not limited to the use of coercion or violence and/or threats to use force or violence, by a person or group of people, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with an organization or government , with political, religious, ideological or similar aims including the intention to influence the government and/or put the public or part of the public in fear."

What is the maximum amount insured for Personal Accident?

Jumlah maksimum untuk pertanggungan Kecelakaan Diri adalah 6 Orang. Adapun nilai pertanggungan yang bisa dipilih berada pada rentang Rp5 Juta hingga Rp100 Juta menurut kelipatan setiap Rp5 Juta.

What is meant by the expansion of Personal Accident (PA) coverage?

PA is insurance against the risk of accidents for motor vehicle drivers and passengers. Both elements are insured against the risk of death, permanent disability and medical care/treatment costs.

How to submit a claim via insureka! and the plot?

Insureka claim procedure! Starting with reporting via the Insureka! website or application. Ideally, the claim report is carried out as soon as possible or less than 5 calendar days after the risk incident.

What documents are needed when processing an insurance claim?

Documents that must be prepared by customers are adjusted to their claim status, namely:

1. Claim Partial Losses.

a. The identity of the insured (KTP/SIM) or KTP of the employee who reports to the company.

b. Fill out the claim form completely and validly.

c. Police Certificate.

2. Third Party Legal Liability Claims.

a. Third party identity (KTP/SIM).

b. Third party driver's license if the third party loss involves a motor vehicle.

c. Police Certificate.

3. Claim for Losses.

a. STNK and BPKB (Original).

b. Accident Certificate from the Police.

c. STNK Blocking Letter (Police Headquarters).

What is meant by Own Risk Amount?

The Own Risk Amount is the amount that must be paid by the insured for each claim per incident. The amount of money paid is IDR 300 thousand per incident.

What is the minimum risk for a Partial Loss, CTL or Stolen Claim?

Secara umum besarnya nilai risiko sendiri saat Klaim Partial Loss adalah Rp300 Ribu per Kejadian. Jika dinyatakan TLO secara Komprehensif maka pengurangannya adalah 5% dari jumlah klaim yang disetujui.

How is vehicle's current value calculated?

Nilai kendaraan atau harga kendaraan merupakan nilai jual unitnya yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor merek, tipe, model, hingga tahun produksinya. Informasi tersebut harus tercantum sama di dalam polis sebelum kerugian atau kerusakan yang dimunculkan oleh risiko muncul.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan status pertanggungan yang diasuransikan atau Under Insured Coverage?

Status tersebut merupakan sebuah posisi dimana harga unit mobil yang sebenarnya lebih tinggi dari nilai pertanggungan tercantum di dalam polisnya.

Bagaimana perhitungan kompensasi penggantian kerugian atas unit mobil yang diasuransikan?

Perhitungan kompensasi ganti rugi atas unit mobil yang dipertanggungkan adalah Nilai Pertanggungan dibagi Harga Pasar Saat Risiko Muncul. Opsi perhitungan lainnya berupa Nilai Kerugian dikalikan Nilai Perbaikan Unit Mobilnya.

Apakah proses klaim bisa diwakilkan kepada orang lain?

Proses pengurusan klaim bisa diwakilkan kepada orang lain. Meski demikian, ada beberapa persyaratan yang wajib dipenuhi seperti:

  1. Melampirkan Kartu Identitas Asli Pemegang Polis.
  2. Surat Kuasa.
  3. Fotocopy Pemegang Polis.
  4. Detail Kejadian Risiko dengan melampirkan Surat Kuasa, Fotocopy KTP Tertanggung atau KTP Asli Tertanggung.

Bagaimana cara membayar premi insureka! saat ini?

Premi dapat dibayarkan melalui website atau aplikasi insureka! pada awal masa pertanggungan. Adapun nilai premi dibayarkan untuk durasi perlindungan selama 1 tahun.

Bisakah nasabah mengasuransikan kendaraan roda 2?

Mohon maaf, insureka! belum memberikan penawaran untuk proteksi asuransi kendaraan roda 2.

Bagaimana cara membeli produk insureka! saat ini?

Ada beberapa cara untuk membeli produk insureka!, yaitu melalui website atau Aplikasi insureka! hingga Claim Machine insureka! di zonasi ATM center Mal Artha Gading, Jakarta Utara.

Adapun alur pembelian produk atau registrasi polis insureka! adalah:

  1. Menyiapkan Dokumen Diminta.
  2. Informasi Penawaran Produk insureka!.
  3. Menetapkan Opsi Fitur Proteksinya.
  4. Menyampaikan Data melalui Form Aplikasi.
  5. Melakukan Pembayaran dan Aktivasi Polis.

Adakah bantuan darurat yang didapatkan pengemudi saat risiko muncul melalui kecelakaan?

Nasabah bisa mendapatkan bantuan darurat saat risiko muncul. Caranya? Nasabah bisa menghubungi Customer Service insureka! melalui nomor +62 855 7467 5856 atau WhatsApp +62 813 9978 1167. Setelah pelaporan dilakukan oleh nasabah, bantuan pun akan langsung diberikan.

Jika nasabah menggunakan perangkat OBD, insureka! bisa langsung menghubungi nasabah dan memberikan bantuan secara langsung. Artinya, nasabah tidak perlu menghubungi Customer Service insureka!.

Mengapa penyampaian informasi nomor handphone kepada petugas insureka! menjadi sebuah kewajiban?

Nomor handphone sangat vital. Untuk itu, validasi nomor ponsel harus terus dilakukan. Apalagi, insureka! menawarkan layanan tambahan melalui notifikasi fitur dan layanan, tanggal polis, informasi terbaru, hingga tips atau kuis.

Bagaimana dengan bengkel rekanan insureka?

insureka! memiliki koneksi bengkel 490+ yang tersebr di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Bengkel yang menjadi mitra memiliki kualitas dengan standardisasi tinggi. Keberadaan bengkel tersebut dijamin mampu menyelesaikan setiap problem yang dihadirkan risiko secara cepat dan tuntas.

Bagaimana cara memperbaharui polis?

Untuk memperbarui polis insureka! sangatlah mudah. Pemberitahuan perpanjangan akan diberikan 30 hari sebelum berakhirnya polis. Perpanjangan polis bisa dilakukan melalui website dan Aplikasi insureka!. Adapun regulasinya adalah:

  1. Jika perpanjangan polis dilakukan sebelum jatuh tempo atau masa kadaluwarsa, maka nasabah hanya perlu melakukan verifikasi data melalui website atau Aplikasi insureka!.
  2. Jika perpanjangan atau pembaruan polis dilakukan setelah melebihi tempo, maka proses dimulai dengan verifikasi data seperti awal pembelian. Nasabah juga melakukan upload ulang dokumen dan video lengkap unit mobilnya beserta odometer.

Bagaimana caranya menentukan harga mobil yang akan diproteksi melalui polis insureka! saat ini?

Penentuan nilai unit mobil dilakukan menurut sistem dengan basic teknologi Artificial Intelligence. Acuannya adalah Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Nomor 6/SEOJK.05/2017. Meski demikian, penentuan harga mobil bisa dilakukan secara manual menurut wilayah berikut:

  1. Kategori 1, Harganya < Rp125 Juta.
  2. Kategori 2, Harganya Rp125 Juta s.d Rp200 Juta.
  3. Kategori 3, Harganya Rp200 Juta s.d Rp400 Juta.
  4. Kategori 4, Harganya Rp400 juta s.d Rp800 Juta.
  5. Kategori 5, Harganya > Rp800 juta.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Polis Komprehensif?

Komprehensif menjadi polis perlindungan atas berbagai kerusakan unit akibat kecelakaan hingga kehilangan mobil yang dipicu tindak pencurian. Kelompok polis ini yang terkuat karena memiliki fitur perluasan coverage terlengkap. insureka! menawarkan polis ini dalam kelompok Comprehensive Premium dan Comprehensive Basic.

Jenis perlindungan Polis Komprehensif yang ditawarkannya diantaranya tabrakan, terbalik, penyaradan, pencurian, dan kebakaran dengan impact kerugian yang dimunculkan sebagian hingga total.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Strikes Riots and Civil Commotion atau SRCC (Huru Hara)?

SRCC menjadi proteksi atas beragam kerugian yang dimunculkan oleh kejadian Huru Hara. Kondisi tersebut sangat rentan terutama menyangkut kumpulan massa dalam jumlah besar yang sedang menyuarakan aspirasinya.

What is meant by Ambulance and Towing Facilities?

Ambulance and towing facilities are only provided if an accident occurs. Both tow trucks and ambulances each cost a maximum of IDR 1 million per year.

What areas do ERA facilities cover?

ERA (Emergency Roadside Assistance) is available 24 hours in Jabodetabek, Bandung and its surroundings, Semarang and its surroundings, Yogyakarta and its surroundings, Solo and its surroundings, Greater Surabaya, Malang and its surroundings, Pekanbaru and its surroundings, Palembang and its surroundings, Makassar and its surroundings.

Which workshopss are close to my home location?

You can see the location of the workshopss you want on our website with the following link

Is there a Workshop List?

We have a network of workshops throughout Indonesia (490+). Please see the following link:

If it's not an authorized workshop, is there a spare part warranty?

The spare part guarantee is given for 6 (six) months from the time the repair is completed.

Can I take my car directly to a repair shop for a claim?

For repairs in the workshop, you need a SPK (Work Order) from the Insurance Company. Only Priority Workshops can accept cars brought directly by the insured with the requirements as stated in the following link:

If I go out of town and then I have an accident, can I claim it in a workshops outside Jakarta?

Yes. We have a network of workshops throughout Indonesia (490+). Please see the following link:

I have called the workshop on the list of partner workshops, but not cooperating with Rama. How is this?

We have a network of workshops throughout Indonesia (490+). Please see the following link: . If your choosen workshop is not in the list, kindly contact our Customer Service by clicking the whatsapp icon in our website.

If my car is being repair in the workshops, am I able to track the progress?

At any time you can ask our Customer Service about the progress of your vehicle claim by clicking the WhatsApp icon on the website. Our customer service is ready 24 hours to provide the best service.

How much claim costs (own risk) must the insured pay? And how is the payment?

The claim cost (own risk) that must be paid by the insured is IDR 300,000 per incident when taking the vehicle at the workshop.

Can I go directly to workshop for Claim?

Priority Workshop is a partner workshop that has an exclusive collaboration with Rama Insurance to provide priority services as follows: Job Letter) on site

  • The insured vehicle can go directly to the workshop; Our representatives at Priority Workshop will help fill out the Initial Claim Report.
  • Claim surveys can be carried out at the workshop
  • For work of less than 5 panels, if there is no spare part replacement, you can immediately receive an SPK (Work Order) on the spot.

How and who should be contacted to submit a claim?

Claim submission can be done via the insureka! application. After being approved for processing, the appointment of a workshop is carried out by the insurance company. You can go to the workshop after receiving a Work Order (SPK) from the Insurance Company to the designated workshop. You can still contact our Customer Service at any time, either by telephone or WhatsApp. You can also submit claims by going directly to the Priority Workshop network.

How much claim costs (own risk) must the insured pay? And how is the payment?

The claim cost (own risk) that must be paid by the insured is IDR 300,000 per incident when taking the vehicle at the workshop.

For TLO, how much does the claim cost?

For the TLO policy type, Own Risk is 5% of the approved Claim Value. Payment is made directly to the workshop where your vehicle is repaired.

How long is the process of submitting a claim until it is approved?

Submitting a claim starts with reporting the claim using insureka! apps which can be downloaded from the Play Store or App Store, then log in to your account and start the process. This application is very easy because you no longer need to fill out the claim submission form manually. In the apps you can upload the required documents, provide a chronology of the incident you experienced and then upload photos/videos of the damage. The Claim Team has automatically received this claim submission in the system. Someone will contact you to make an appointment for a vehicle survey if necessary. The SPK can be issued within 3-5 working days after the survey is carried out if the damage is not more than 5 panels. Vehicle repairs at the workshop can be completed according to the repair time at the workshop and the availability of spare parts.

My car is an old car? Can you be covered? Comprehensive or TLO?

upto 10 year old car Can be covered under comprehensive and 15 year old car under TLO

If my car is sold? Can I terminate this policy? Premium can be refunded? How long?

Car insurance policies can be terminated in the middle of the period if the vehicle is sold. Premium refunds are prorated according to the policy period and will be returned as soon as possible after being processed by the Insurance Company.

For the TLO type of coverage, can it cover minor damage?

The TLO type of coverage cannot cover minor damage but can only cover damage with a level of damage above 75% of the car's value when a risk incident due to an accident occurs. Apart from the level of serious damage, the TLO type of coverage also covers costs due to loss of the car due to theft.

My STNK is in the process of extending, can I buy a policy now?

STNK that has not been renewed can still be used to purchase policies. But make sure your STNK is immediately renewed after purchasing the policy because an active STNK will be needed when submitting a claim.

I just bought a used car, but the STNK was not in my name. Can I still buy the insurance policy?

Yes, you can still buy a Car Insurance Policy. The name of the insured will be stated on the policy will be using QQ, like this: "Your name QQ the name stated in the STNK".

My STNK on behalf of the company, can it be insured in Insureka! ?

Yes. The name of the insured stated in the Policy is the company name.

The policy is epolis or hardcopy?

It is e-policy but we can send the hardcopy by email or courier it.

Which insurance company is this?

insureka! is part of the multibillion group and is an Insurance Agent Company that has exclusive collaboration with PT. Rama Satria Wibawa Insurance, which is one of the pioneers of general insurance companies in Indonesia, was founded in 1978.

Who is insureka!?

insureka! is part of the multibillion group and is an Insurance Agent Company that has exclusive collaboration with PT. Rama Satria Wibawa Insurance, which is one of the pioneers of general insurance companies in Indonesia, was founded in 1978.

Where is the Insureka office!? Are there Branch Offices in other cities?

Insureka Headquarters! Located at Setiabudi Building 2, Floor 3 suite 304 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 62 Jakarta 12920 Indonesia. Rama Insurance itself has several offices in several big cities. You can see the complete address at this link:

Can I buy a car insurance policy in Insureka from any city?

Insureka policy purchase! can be done anytime and anywhere. Our Customer Service is always ready to help at any time. You just click the WhatsApp icon on our website and you will be connected immediately.

I just bought a new car, STNK hasn't finished yet, can I give BASTK?

Yes, as long as the BASTK has a Chasis Number and Engine Number.

What is the process for purchasing a Car Insurance Policy at insureka!?

Insureka policy purchase! can be done anytime and anywhere. You simply go to, enter vehicle details, select the type of coverage, add expansion if needed and make payment. KTP, SIM, STNK/BASTK documents and vehicle videos are uploaded to the Insureka application! after payment.

I can't do the self-survey, can anyone help?

In the insureka app! You can choose to ask our Representative to come to your home or location to carry out a Survey.

I cannot purchase the policy myself. Can anyone help?

You can inform our Customer Service by clicking the WhatsApp icon at Our representative will come to your home or location to help you make your purchase.

Will my policy be active immediately after payment?

After making payment, there will be a notification in the application to carry out a survey. You can choose to carry out an independent survey via the application by uploading your KTP, SIM, STNK/BASTK documents and vehicle video. The team will review your data and video, if approved, your policy will be active and you can immediately view your policy on the website and application within a maximum of 24 hours after the survey.

How long to process my policy?

After making payment, there will be a notification in the application to carry out a survey. You can choose to carry out an independent survey via the application by uploading your KTP, SIM, STNK/BASTK documents and vehicle video. The team will review your data and video, if approved, your policy will be active and you can immediately view your policy on the website and application within a maximum of 24 hours after the survey.

After payment, when can I get a policy?

After making payment, there will be a notification in the application to carry out a survey. You can choose to carry out an independent survey via the application by uploading your KTP, SIM, STNK/BASTK documents and vehicle video. The team will review your data and video, if approved, your policy will be active and you can immediately view your policy on the website and application within a maximum of 24 hours after the survey.

Premium rates, the same as other insurance companies?

Vehicle Insurance premium rates are determined by OJK through Circular Letter Number 1 /SEOJK.05/2017 Appendix IV.

Is there a discount program?

Kami memberikan diskon 25% dan juga ada mitra kami dengan memberikan extra rewards 25% dalam bentuk saldo OVO atau GOPAY. Rewards bisa Anda dapatkan setelah Anda klik Tarik di akun Anda.

Will this policy be renewed automatically? Any notifications?

Notification will be provided within 30 days before the policy period ends, but the policy will not be automatically renewed. You must make a new Purchase. Our Customer Service is ready to help with the process of extending your policy.

Is there a notification if my policy will expire?

Notification will be provided within 30 days before the policy period ends, but the policy will not be automatically renewed. You must make a new Purchase. Our Customer Service is ready to help with the process of extending your policy.

I am a foreigner, only have KITAP, is that possible?

Yes, can. KITAP can be accepted as the insured's identity card.

What payment methods are available at insureka!?

Various payment methods are available at insureka!, namely payment by Bank Transfer, Credit Card and Wallet such as OVO / Gopay / Shopeepay.

How long does the SPK issuance process take to the workshop after submitting a claim?

If you choose to submit a claim at our Priority Workshop, the SPK issuance process can be carried out directly at the workshop with the requirements as stated in the following link:

What is meant by Priority Workshop?

Priority Workshop is a partner workshop that has an exclusive collaboration with Rama Insurance to provide priority services as follows: Job Letter) on site.

  • The insured vehicle can go directly to the workshop; Our representatives at Priority Workshop will help fill out the Initial Claim Report.
  • Claim surveys can be carried out at the workshop
  • For work of less than 5 panels, if there is no spare part replacement, you can immediately receive an SPK (Work Order) on the spot.

What is the insureka! Referral Program?

The insureka! Referral Program allows existing customers to invite their friends to purchase a car insurance policy. If your friend buys a policy using your referral code, both you and your friend will receive rewards.

How does the Referral Program work?

You can invite your friends to get a car insurance quote using your unique referral link. When your friend purchases a policy using your referral code, they can earn Rp. 100,000. Once their policy is approved, you will receive Rp. 250,000 in rewards.

When will I receive my referral earnings?

You will receive your referral earnings after the referred person’s policy has been active for at least one (1) month. Withdrawal requests made before the completion of this one-month period will not be processed.

Can I combine the referral benefit with other promotions?

No, the referral benefit is exclusive and cannot be combined with any other promotional offers, including Safe Driver Challenge rewards.

How do I ensure my friend qualifies for the referral benefit?

Your friend must apply your referral code at the time of policy purchase to qualify for the referral benefits. If the code is not used during the purchase, the referral will not be eligible for rewards.

What happens if my friend's policy is canceled or lapses?

If your friend's policy is canceled or lapses within the first month, you will not be eligible to withdraw your referral earnings. The referred policy must remain active and in good standing for at least one month.

How much can my friend earn through this program?

Your friend can earn Rp. 100,000 when they successfully purchase a policy using your referral code.

How much do I earn for a successful referral?

You earn Rp. 250,000 in rewards when your friend's policy is approved and remains active for the minimum required period.

How do I invite friends to the Referral Program?

You can invite your friends by sharing your unique referral link. Your friend needs to use this link or apply your referral code during their policy purchase to qualify for rewards. Alternatively, you can share anonymously by providing your friend's contact information, and we will send your referral code directly to them on your behalf.

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