Best All Risk Car Insurance
You can manage risk mitigation for your car from the start through insureka! Products. The car insurance protection formula has been adjusted to your individual needs. The claim process is also #ClaimVery Smoothly.
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6 Reasons Why You Should Buy Car Insurance from Insureka!
Car INSURANCE is a form of protection that you must have, especially if you often travel by car. Car insurance provides financial security in facing risks that can occur while you are driving. Apart from financial protection, insurance also provides peace of mind, so you can drive more calmly and safely.
If you want to buy car insurance, make sure you choose the best one like insureka!. While operating in Indonesia, insureka! has succeeded in winning various achievements and awards at prestigious events, starting from the Indonesia Trusted Awards 2022, Indonesia Golden Award 2022, to Most Trusted Product 2023. This proves that insureka! has been successful in providing quality insurance services for the Indonesian people.
insureka! offers several types of car insurance that you can choose according to your needs. Types of insurance at insureka! includes regular car insurance, all risk car insurance, LTO car insurance, and comprehensive car insurance. Each insurance has its own features and advantages. If you want super complete protection, you can choose the best all risk car insurance at insureka!.
Reasons Why You Should Buy Car Insurance at insureka!
In the midst of heavy traffic and various risks on the road, have trusted car protection like insureka! be a wise decision. Well, here are some reasons why you should buy car insurance from insureka!:
1. Many Car Insurance Options
insureka! offers a variety of car insurance options that can be tailored to your needs and budget. Starting from ordinary insurance with basic coverage to insurance with comprehensive coverage, insureka! understand that every car owner has different needs. With so many car insurance policies to choose from, you can choose the coverage that suits your finances and specific needs.
2. Protected from Financial Loss
insureka! protects you from financial losses that may arise due to various risks such as accidents, theft or damage. By paying car insurance premiums, you are transferring the financial risk to the vehicle insurance company. In the claim process, insureka! will provide compensation in accordance with the specified policy.
3. Get car replacement costs
If your vehicle suffers serious damage or is declared atotal loss, insureka! can help replace it. This may include the cost of purchasing a new vehicle or the actual value of the vehicle lost. To get insureka! Here, you can choose All Risk insurance at Insureka! with a Comprehensive Premium Policy. insureka! ready to provide compensation in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the insurance policy.
If your new car experiences serious damage when it is less than 6 months old, insureka! will provide new car facilities to replace it. insureka! not only protects new vehicles, but also provides protection coverage for old vehicles that are a maximum of 12 to 15 years old.
4. Protected from the risk of damage due to natural disasters
insureka! also offers protection from the risk of car damage due to natural disasters. Catastrophic Polis is presented exclusively as a car protection system from various damages caused by floods. This car insurance coverage covers all vehicle components, from the engine to the car interior. Insureka car insurance premium rate! This is very affordable, so it won't drain your monthly finances.
5. Third Party Protection
insureka! insurance service! also covers your legal responsibilities towards third parties. If you are involved in an accident that harms another party, insureka! will cover their vehicle's medical and repair costs, saving you from expensive legal disputes. You can get this benefit by choosing Comprehensive car insurance at insureka!.
In contrast to third party insurance which is only responsible for damage to other people's property, Comprehensive car insurance insureka! provides protection against damage to your own vehicle, regardless of who is at fault in the accident. To get this benefit, you can submit a Third Party Liability (TPL) claim. This car accident insurance claim can help pay for injuries, treatment, and even death.
6. Simply Smarter and More Profitable
insureka! offers Simply Smarter services which make the insurance application and claim process faster and easier. At insureka!, you can buy car insurance online via the application or the official insureka! website. With this system, you can buy a policy online in just 3 minutes, anytime and anywhere. insureka! provides self-survey services, which allow you to conduct self-surveys. To do this, you only need to upload a video of the vehicle you want to insure.
Apart from Simply Smarter, buy car insurance at Insureka! also more profitable. insureka! provide a discount of 25% and get attractive benefits for every car insurance application. Not only that, insureka! also provides a transportation allowance of Rp. 100,000 per day. The condition is that your car must be in the workshop for more than 5 days and there are a maximum of 3 damaged panels. Apart from that, you also get loan car service facilities while your car is being serviced.
These are some of the reasons why you should buy car insurance from insureka!. Buying car insurance is not only a financial investment, but also a wise step to protect your vehicle and yourself from risks that may occur on the road. The financial protection provided by car insurance is not only limited to the safety of the vehicle, but also its owner.
What is All Risk Car Insurance?
At insureka!, All Risk Insurance describes the Comprehensive Premium and Comprehensive Basic plans. This insurance is a form of protection against various forms of damage triggered by various factors. These could be accidents, natural disasters, or vandalism. All Risk also protects owners in the case of losing a car due to theft.
Why You Should Buy an All Risk Car Insurance Policy?
All Risk Insurance has a very vital role. This kind of protection can be applied to new and second-hand cars. If you want to protect your second-hand or used car, make sure it is less than 12 years old. Whether you choose the Comprehensive Premium or Comprehensive Basic plan, the All Risk insurance policies are equipped with the best protection features. The price offered is competitive.
Benefits of Buying an Insureka All Risk Car Insurance Policy Online! Very Diverse
All Risk Insurance which is offered in the form of Comprehensive Premium and Comprehensive Basic has various benefits. These benefits are:

Strongest Policy Coverage
All Risk is the strongest policy coverage scheme. This policy offers the most comprehensive protection features.

Premium Prices Remain Competitive
Has the most complete protection features, but the All Risk car insurance policy remains at an affordable price. This means that customers can choose as complete a choice of coverage options as possible at the best price. Because, Comprehensive Premium and Comprehensive Basic are supported by a 25% discount plus get attractive benefits.

Workshop Financing Risks Handled Perfectly
All Risk always provides the best solution for every risk that arises. The process of restoring the condition of the car is smooth and hassle-free. With All Risk insurance, the costs of car insurance repairs at the workshop are always handled perfectly so the losses experienced by customers are minimal. The repair process is fast and complete.
Why the All Risk Car Insurance Policy from Insureka! So the main choice?
With many positive aspects, insureka! is the first choice of car insurance among Indonesian consumers. The system is developed digitally based on Artificial Intelligence and the price is competitive with various promotions and offers. We have guaranteed legality under the Financial Services Authority (OJK). The insurance products offered are of high quality and are able to resolve every risk completely.
What are the Requirements for Buying All Risk Car Insurance?
When registering for an All Risk insurance policy, there are several documents that must be included. Make sure to upload the SIM and STNK, as well as photos of the car panels from the car you wish to insure.
How to Apply for the Best All-Risk Car Insurance?
Buying All Risk car insurance is very easy because it is done online. Customers just need to access the insureka! website or application. Fill in the requested vehicle information, then choose the policy type via Comprehensive Premium or Comprehensive Basic. Also determine additional coverage. And make payment.
All Risk Car Insurance Premium Calculator

insureka!'s best All Risk car insurance premium calculation refers to the rates set by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). This means that price transaction calculations are carried out transparently and accountably. The legal umbrella reference is OJK Circular Letter Number 6/SEOJK.05/2017.
The premium cost is the result of multiplying the premium percentage according to the category listed in the Circular with the car price or in this case called the insured value.
To determine the All Risk Insurance Premium Percentage, it is based on the price of the car according to the region. The areas consist of Region 1 (Sumatra and Surrounding Areas), Region 2 (DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten), as well as Region 3 (Areas Outside Regions 1 and 2).
How to Renew All Risk Car Insurance Online?
To extend All Risk Car Insurance is not complicated. The important thing is that the extension process is carried out well before the policy expires. Customers only need to visit the insureka! website or application. Follow the flow. If the extension is carried out before the policy expires, the customer does not need to repeat the document upload. However, if the policy has expired, you must re-upload the document.
How to Claim All Risk Car Insurance Online?
Just like registration, the claim process is insureka! very easy. Claims can be submitted online or by contacting Insureka!. When making a claim, the basic documents that need to be prepared are KTP, SIM and STNK. Other documents required will be in accordance with the type of claim submitted.
If the All Risk car insurance policy documents are complete and uploaded, the claim process will begin. It should also be noted that customers will be charged Own Risk (OR) when submitting a claim in an amount according to the Policy Type and type of claim submitted.
Customer Reviews
“At first, I just tried buying an insurance policy at Insureka. But it turns out that buying from Insureka actually gets a really good price! Extraordinary."
"The first time I tried to buy vehicle insurance via an online application. Easy and fast! In less than 3 minutes the process of purchasing the policy was complete. That's great insureka!"
"From the policy purchase process to the claim, it went smoothly and quickly. CS and the staff team were also friendly and responsive, the replacement car was delivered and picked up on time too. Thank you and continued success insureka!"
Vina Wardana
South Jakarta
"Thank you for your help Mr Awin, from explaining the car insurance premium to finally the DEAL. Plus you will be given a very interesting goodie bag. Hopefully INSUREKA will be more successful."
Muhamad Fajar
insureka! always open to its customers and provide the best solutions.
What is car insurance?
Car insurance is an agreement between the car owner and the insurance company, where the car owner pays regular premiums. In return, the insurance company will provide financial protection against loss or damage that may occur to the car.
Is it insureka! the?
insureka! is the best online car insurance. There are various benefits offered by insureka!. In addition to its quality products and systems, insureka! also offer low prices.
Why do I need car insurance?
Car insurance is very important to protect you from financial risks that could arise due to damage or loss of your vehicle. By having car insurance, you will get protection against various unexpected risks. This includes the risk of accidents, theft, or damage that may occur to your car. This insurance can also provide legal liability if you are involved in an accident that causes damage to another person's vehicle or injures another person.
What types of cars can be protected by insureka! products?
Insureka product! protect all variants of private cars, both new and second hand. For the age of the car that can be protected up to 15 years.
How do I file a car accident insurance claim?
At insureka!, the car insurance claim process is very fast and easy. All processes can be done online, so you don't need to bother coming to the offline office. To do this, you only need to download the application or visit the Insureka! website. Then, complete the required documents, provide a chronology of the incident, and upload photos and videos of your damaged car. After doing all that, submit your car insurance claim at Insureka! It's finished. It's that easy and fast, right!
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