The Best TLO Car Insurance 2024
You can manage risk mitigation for your car from the start through Insureka! Products. The car insurance protection formula has been adjusted to your individual needs. The claim process is also #ClaimVery Smoothly.
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The Best TLO Car Insurance for 2024
TOTAL Loss Only (TLO) menjadi polis asuransi terbaik untuk tahun ini. Sebab, polis asuransi ini memberikan perlindungan atas tingkat kerusakan besar yang dimunculkan oleh risiko. Sistem perlindungan yang ditawarkan oleh asuransi mobil TLO mobil dijamin karena ada beragam perluasan fitur coverage yang bisa diterapkan. Brand terpercaya insureka! juga memberikan beragam penawaran menarik lainnya.
What is TLO Car Insurance?
TLO car insurance is a product that protects you from extremely large costs arising from risks. The financing is triggered when the level of damage that occurs from a risk incident is above 75% of the value of the car. The damage has to have been triggered by an accident.In addition to heavy damage, TLO is also a solution for losses due to theft of the vehicle.
In addition to the level of heavy damage, TLO is also a solution for cost losses due to the loss of the car unit. The loss of this car was due to theft.
Why You Should Buy a TLO Car Insurance Policy?
TLO car insurance is the best solution for large losses caused by risks. This insurance policy has various advantages, namely:
- TLO bears the financing for damage to the car with a repair value of more than 75% of the unit price tag at that time.
- This insurance policy applies to both new and second-hand cars with an age range of up to 15 years.
- The insurance premium rate starts at just 0.44% of the value of the car.
- TLO is an ideal protection system for those on a budget.
The Difference Between TLO and All Risk Car Insurance?
The TLO insurance policy from insureka! offers a variety of plus points. TLO Insurance bears risks with a value of over 75% of the unit price of the car. This policy can be applied to new cars, as well as those that are older.
The All Risk insurance policy, on the other hand, covers minor to major damage, including the loss of the unit. Because All Risk protects against more types of damage, there will be a higher premium. Additionally, it can only protect cars up to 12 years old. This policy is ideal for customers who have a larger portion of the budget for insurance.
Why do consumers choose car insurance from Insureka?
insureka! memang menjadi brand terpercaya masyarakat yang divalidasi melalui beragam award. Tingginya minat masyarakat terhadap brand terpercaya insureka! tidak lepas dari sistem dan produk unggulan yang ditawarkannya. Sistem insureka! dibangun secara digital dengan proses yang cepat, mudah, dan dengan survei mandiri. Transaksinya transparan dan akuntabel. Legalitasnya juga terjamin karena terdaftar dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).
Adapun produk yang ditawarkan oleh insureka! sangatlah lengkap. Selain asuransi TLO mobil, ada juga produk Comprehensive Premium, Comprehensive Basic, Polis Katastropik, dan Perlindungan Hybrid. Lebih lanjut, insureka! juga menawarkan premi yang terjangkau dengan diskon 25% juga cashback 20% dari mitranya.
What are the Requirements for Buying Car Insurance?
The costs of TLO car insurance from insureka! are very affordable, and based on OJK regulation Number 6/SEOJK.05/2017. The lower threshold for the premium is 0.44% of the price of the car. The premium threshold is 0.69% of the unit price. In general, the calculation of TLO car insurance costs or the premium price is the premium percentage multiplied by the car price.
The TLO car insurance premium percentage is further divided based on region. Region 1 covers Sumatra and its surroundings. Region 2 includes Jakarta, Banten and West Java. Region 3 is located in Central Java, East Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and Papua. The details of the Premium Percentage estimate by region are as follows:
- Harga Kurang Rp125 Juta, Wilayah-1 0,47%–0,56%, Wilayah-2 0,65%–0,78%, Wilayah-3 0,51%–0,56%.
- Harga Rp125-200 Juta, Wilayah-1 0,63%–0,69%, Wilayah-2 0,44%–0,53%, Wilayah-3 0,44%–0,48%.
- Harga Rp200-400 Juta, Wilayah-1 0,41%–0,46%, Wilayah-2 0,38%–0,42%, Wilayah-3 0,29%–0,35%.
- Harga Rp400-800 Juta, Wilayah-1 0,25%–0,30%, Wilayah-2 0,25%–0,30%, Wilayah-3 0,23%–0,27%.
- Harga di Atas Rp800 Juta, Wilayah-1 0,20%–0,24%, Wilayah-2 0,20%–0,24%, Wilayah-3 0,20% – 0,24%
TLO Car Insurance Premium Calculator
Untuk memberikan gambaran lebih jelas, nasabah bisa melakukan simulasi penghitungan premi asuransi mobil TLO. Adapun gambaran simulasi perhitungannya adalah sebagai berikut, yaitu:
Harga Mobil: Rp100.000.000,- (contoh).
Registered Car Region: Jakarta.
Select Protection Type: TLO.
For TLO Insurance Premium Offers are:
- Premi Mulai Dari: Rp 650.000,- per Tahun.
- Premi Bulanan: Rp 54.166,- per Bulan.
How To Renew Car Insurance Online?
Untuk memperbaharui secara online polis asuransi mobil TLO sangat lah mudah. Prosesnya sama seperti saat melakukan registrasi atau pembelian awal. Nasabah mengunjungi website atau Aplikasi insureka!. Jika pembaruan dilakukan sebelum batas waktu kadaluwarsa, maka tidak perlu melakukan upload dokumen. Upload dokumen harus dilakukan jika pembaruan dilakukan setelah batas tanggal polis kadaluwarsa.
How to Claim TLO Car Insurance Online?
It is very easy to claim TLO insurance. Claims can be made if the loss due to risk is above 75% of the price of the car.When making a claim, you must make sure to have certain documents, such as the original BPKB, original STNK, and original ignition key. You should also prepare a Police Letter, Kadit Serse Letter, STNK Blocking Letter, and photocopies of your KTP and SIM.
The claim disbursement process takes a maximum of 14 working days. Disbursement is done after the documents are uploaded in full. During the claim disbursement process, the customer must take into account Own Risk (OR) by calculating 5% of the sum insured. OR will be deducted from the amount that is paid to you.
“The process is easy and hassle-free, competitive prices, well done!”
Indra Kusuma Jaya
“This insurance is really good. The claim process is fast and according to the workshop we want. What's crazier are the many discounts”
bulefunky smith
“Insurance that understands today's needs. Easy to register, easy to claim, fast processing, affordable fees, friendly and very satisfying service. good luck Insureka.”
dini widiastuti
“Insurance is the best, applying is easy, just installing the application, and given a souvenir, the car has been hit by a motorbike, the claim is very easy, all you have to do is take a photo in the application, get the spk and take it to the official repair shop, the car is straight again shiny.”
Suhanta Wijaya
“Buying insurance is easy, the CS is responsive, and making claims to the repair shop is also easy with a user-friendly application”
Pri Hadiyanto
“It's easy to apply, and so is the claim. The admin is very helpful, and what is certain is that the price is the best among similar applications. Highly recommended!!!”
Yoseph Ming
“Fast claim process. The most affordable policy price compared to other products. There is also a manufacturer's workshop where the workmanship is equivalent to the manufacturer's. Keep up the good work.”/i>
antonius louis
TLO Car Insurance FAQs
insurance! always open to its customers and provide the best solutions.
Examples of risks that can be claimed through a TLO car insurance policy such as a car lost due to theft, a car mired in water, until the car is damaged and cannot be used.
TLO insurance can be combined with All Risk. The formulation is, in the first year the customer can apply All Risk, then in the second year he switches to the best TLO car insurance. TLO implementation can be done if the age of the car has increased.
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