Klaim Asuransi Mobil
Reasons why people switch to insureka!
Customer Satisfaction Rating*
Average Annual Savings*
Extensive and trusted Garage network
How to file a claim
Filing claims with insureka! is a simple 3-step process. Submit your documents, share details of the accident, and upload photos and/or videos of your vehicle and the damage. It’s that easy!To file a claim on your own, simply download insureka! from the Play Store or App Store and follow the steps. Our customer service can also help you file claims.Before you submit, make sure your documents are complete!
Just do the following steps: complete the required documents, provide a chronology of events and upload photos of your car that will be damaged. It's that easy, submitting a car insurance claim is complete
Types of Car Insurance Claims
You can make different types of claims with insureka! We accept loss claims and Third Party Liability claims. They each have their own document requirements:

Loss Claims
Owners filing total loss claims see an own risk (OR) fee of 10% of the coverage, calculated based on the amount being claimed. OR will be deducted directly from the amount paid to the insured party. Payments to customers are made a maximum of 14 working days after the documents are complete.
Claim Third Party Liability (CPL)
TPL car insurance claims have several characteristics. The claim is based on Property Damage or Car Damage. Other car insurance claim condition options are based on Losses for Medical Expenses, Bodily Injury and/or Death.

Claims for damage to property or car
Own risk (OR) of Rp. 300.000 per event is given if CASCO is included in the claim submission. OR for TPL is not if CASCO is not included during the claims process. The limit will be adjusted based on the remainder of the funds from the previous car insurance claim.

Claims for loss incurred by medical expenses and/or bodily injury
The fee of this car insurance claim is given the same limit as the policy. For accidents with other vehicles, you must include the other driver's documents and photos of the damage to your vehicle.For car accident insurance claims for injuries, medical treatment, and/or death, you must include a KTP, Family Card (Kartu Keluarga), and stamped hospital receipts. Losses will be reimbursed.
How to Claim All Risk Car Insurance
The method for claiming All Risk car insurance is based on Third Party Liability (TPL) and Loss status. The details for how to submit a car insurance claim can be seen as follows, namely:

Loss Claims
The insured party should upload their claim on the insureka! mobile app. Our Customer Service (CS) will forward the claim to Asuransi Rama via internal email. Asuransi Rama will contact the insured party to verify that the requirements have been met and the claim is valid.

Claims for Damage to Property or Car Damage
The car insurance claim procedure is roughtly the same, starting with uploading a claim via the insureka! App. Submission of the claim is then forwarded to Asuransi Rama. The process can be faster if documents related to CASCO and Third Party Liability (TPL) are complete.

Loss Claims for Medical Expenses, Bodily Injury, and or Death
The process for filing this claim is almost the same as claims for Vehicle Damage or Property Damage with the addition of a few documents. These are the police report, hospital receipts with materai, and a photo of a Death Certificate caused by TPL (if such an incident occurred).
Documents for All Risk Car Insurance Claims
The all risk car insurance claim method essentially accommodates risks due to accidents and loss. This channel also accommodates scratched car insurance claims, including scratched car insurance claim costs. The car insurance claim process requires several documents according to the type of application. In general, the way to claim car insurance includes basic documents, such as KTP, SIM, STNK, and photos of damage to the unit. The details of the car insurance claim documents are as follows:

Lost Claim Documents
Include your original STNK, BPKB, car keys, and an LKKB form. You must also include a Police Letter, Kadit Serse letter, a letter blocking the vehicle’s STNK (surat blokir), and a photocopy of the insured’s KTP and SIM.

Damage Claim Documents for Property or Damage
Documents required include the SIM, KTP, and a claim form.The cost of the claim includes the (Surat Laporan Kepolisian), video surveys and photos of the car CASCO and TPL, and the work letter procurement from the workshop/bengkel.

Loss Claim Documents for Medical Expenses, Bodily Injury, and/or Death
Please include the SIM, KTP, STNK, a claim form, and a police report. These are the police report, hospital receipts with materai, and a photo of a Death Certificate caused by TPL (if such an incident occurred). Also include photos related to the vehicle damage.
Documents for TLO Car Insurance Claims

TLO or Total Loss Only insurance claims are made for risks arising from loss or heavy damage. We consider heavy damage as being above 75% of the vehicle unit value. There are several documents that must be included, such as the original STNK, original BPKB, original contact key, and LKKB form. You should also include a Police Letter, Kadit Serse letter, a letter blocking the vehicle’s STNK (surat blokir), and photocopies of the KTP and SIM.
Things to Keep in Mind When Submitting a Car Insurance Claim
There are several things you must remember when submitting a claim, even if the car insurance claim is scratched. How to claim all risk car insurance to TLO insurance claims must include detailed information on the policy owner, vehicle profile, and the incident. The car insurance claim procedure must also include physical evidence of the unit through photos and videos, including special case clauses.

Owner, Vehicle and Occurrence Information
Include the name of the insured, Policy Number, Address, and a Phone Number. Include the car License Plate. Include the SIM numbers of both drivers, the license expiration, location of the incident, and incident details.

Documents Attached
The terms of a car insurance claim must include several attached documents. From serious damage to scuffed car insurance claims, you must attach a photo of your KTP, photo of a driver's license, photo of vehicle registration, photo/video of vehicle damage, to closing video. Closing Video will be provided by Customer Service.
Customer Reviews
“The process is easy and hassle-free, competitive prices, well done!”
Indra Kusuma Jaya
“This insurance is really good. The claim process is fast and according to the workshop we want. What's crazier are the many discounts”
bulefunky smith
“Insurance that understands today's needs. Easy to register, easy to claim, fast processing, affordable fees, friendly and very satisfying service. good luck Insureka.”
dini widiastuti
“Insurance is the best, applying is easy, just installing the application, and given a souvenir, the car has been hit by a motorbike, the claim is very easy, all you have to do is take a photo in the application, get the spk and take it to the official repair shop, the car is straight again shiny.”
Suhanta Wijaya
“Buying insurance is easy, the CS is responsive, and making claims to the repair shop is also easy with a user-friendly application”
Pri Hadiyanto
“It's easy to apply, and so is the claim. The admin is very helpful, and what is certain is that the price is the best among similar applications. Highly recommended!!!”
Yoseph Ming
“Fast claim process. The most affordable policy price compared to other products. There is also a manufacturer's workshop where the workmanship is equivalent to the manufacturer's. Keep up the good work.”
antonius louis
Car Insurance FAQs
insureka! always open to its customers and provide the best solutions.
Can the entire process of buying a vehicle policy and claims be made online?
All processes for purchasing car insurance and processing car insurance claims can be done online. Because, insure! digital based. The premium calculation method follows the standards set by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the claims process also follows applicable insurance standards and principles.
What cars can be insured at insureka! and how to determine premium price?
All types and brands of cars can be insured at insureka!. Premium pricing is provided through the best offer with an ideal range of nominal amounts that can be selected as needed.
Additional coverage available on insureka! how is it?
insurance! did issue a car insurance policy after payment was made. These regulations may differ from other insurance companies. However, refunds will be given if the customer is not happy.
Why insured! have to pay before the insurance policy is issued?
- SRCC (Strike, Riots, and Civil Commotion), Floods, Storms, Typhoons, Landslides, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes.
- Terrorism and Sabotage.
- Third Party Legal Liability.
- Rider Accident.
How to calculate the current value of a vehicle?
Vehicle prices are assessed by make, type and model, up to the year. The data was registered on the market before the damage or loss occurred.
What is Coverage Under Cover and how is compensation calculated?
The insured is a situation where there is a loss for the sum insured which is smaller than the market price and the insured price. The calculation is by dividing the Sum Insured by the Market Price when the damage/loss occurs multiplied by the Repair Price.
How do I renew the insurance policy?
Customers will receive a notification 30 days before the expiration date of the car insurance policy. The update button can be activated through the application. Customers can also contact insureka! Customer service.
How do I cancel the policy and the refundable amount?
The policy can be canceled at any time. Cancellation can be done via the application or website. The refund amount received is based on the policy period that has not yet ended and if the claim has not been disbursed.
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