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Really Different Car Insurance with Attractive Benefits

in insureka!


1.8 Million+ Users


4.9 ★ Google Ratings


99.5% Customer Satisfaction Ratings*

Why do Customers Choose Us?

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Simply Smarter

Purchase your new policy any time, anywhere, in just 3 minutes. Video surveys make it fast and easy!

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Get 25% discounts huge value for a low price.

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Fast and hassle-free claim

Submit a 100% digital claim, only from your mobile phone

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Replacement Car

Replacement Car Services are provided for a maximum of 5 days (5x24 hours) during the coverage period from the time the vehicle enters the workshop. *Terms & Conditions Apply

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Transport Allowance

Receive Rp. 100.000 per day in transport allowance if your car is being repaired for more than 5 days (maximum 3 panels damaged). Enjoy a loan vehicle while your car is being repaired!

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We are always there for you

Our ERA (Emergency Road Assistance) team is always on standby 24/7 to help in an emergency

Find the right car insurance policy

Consider factors like your driving habits, vehicle age and personal preferences to ensure the best fit.


First in Indonesia to introduce

Katastropik Policy


Vehicles in Flood-Prone Areas

Max 5 Years Old

25% Discount*

Included Plan

Floods include hurricanes

Included Plan

Home Survey, Pick Up and Delivery

Included Plan

Mobile App For Claims

Included Plan

24 Hours Hotline

Included Plan

Claim access to 490+ Garages

Already have a car insurance? Does not -matter!


Katastropik Policy

Included Plan

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