Top Car Insurance Companies in Indonesia - Compare & Save | Insureka

Asuransi Mobil Online Terbaik

Asuransi Mobil Online Terbaik

COMPANY Insurance as an option for accessing risk protection is widely available in Indonesia. Experiencing fluctuations every year, the number of insurance industry institutions that can be selected is currently in the best composition. Referring to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), there are around 152 active companies in the insurance industry. Of these compositions, one of them is the trusted brand Insureka! with the following car insurance protection products:

  1. Comprehensive Premium.
  2. Comprehensive Basic.
  3. Total Loss Only (TLO).
  4. Police Catastrophe.
  5. Hybrid Protection.

As a car insurance company in Indonesia, the number of active insurance industries has fluctuated in the last 9 years. For 2022, the number of active insurance industries will reach 152 companies. This number increased by 2.01% from the previous year. Because, throughout 2021 the number of active insurance industry companies will only reach 149 companies. The active composition of the insurance industry in the last 9 years is:

  1. In 2022, Number of Activations will be 152 Companies.
  2. In 2021, Number of Activations will be 149 Companies.
  3. In 2020, the number of activations was 148 companies.
  4. In 2019, the number of activations was 151 companies.
  5. In 2018, the number of activations was 151 companies.
  6. In 2017, Number of Activations was 152 Companies.
  7. In 2016, Total Activation was 146 Companies.
  8. In 2015, the number of activities was 146 companies.
  9. In 2014, Total Activation was 141 Companies.

Referring to the composition of the list of car insurance companies in 2022, there are at least 78 companies that have the general insurance genre. This means that the number of general insurance companies is currently very dominant. General insurance companies are companies that provide risk coverage services to policy holders. The scope of protection provided for emerging risks is as follows:

  1. Risk of loss.
  2. Financing risk.
  3. Risk of losing profits.
  4. Risk of legal liability to third parties.

Even more interesting, there were around 223 insurance support companies operating last year. The composition of car insurance companies includes 155 insurance brokers, 41 reinsurance brokers and 27 insurance loss assessment companies. There are also three insurance companies based on ASN, TNI and Polri. Other composition slots are filled by social insurance programs and social security for workers.

Daftar Perusahaan Asuransi Mobil di Indonesia

Understanding Car Insurance in Indonesia

Indonesia does offer various genres of insurance companies, including general. These general insurance companies basically provide protection for various levels of damage caused by risks. Insurance is also a solution to total losses caused by loss of units due to theft. Because, this is in accordance with the character of the insurance industry's business activities, namely:

  1. Insurance services are also risk management.
  2. Reinsurance of risks.
  3. Distribution of insurance products.
  4. Insurance consultation.
  5. Insurance loss adjuster.

As a risk transfer factor, there are various products and policies offered by car insurance companies. You name it, trusted brand Insureka! which offers a system based on digital technology. The registration process and claims simply need to be carried out via the insureka! website or application. insureka! also provides various benefits, including a 25% discount and 20% cashback with Terms and Conditions Apply. This means that customers have efficiency of up to 45% in a year. The products are also very specific in answering customer needs, such as:

  1. Comprehensive Premium.

Comprehensive Premium is a policy prepared to address the potential risks of customers with very high levels of driving every day. High mobility also increases the potential for risks.

  1. Total Loss Only (TLO).

TLO is designed as a policy that is super friendly to used and old cars. This insurance company policy ideally applies to cars over 5 years old. Furthermore, this policy offers a variety of economic efficiencies because the premium value is very cheap.

  1. Comprehensive Basic.

Comprehensive Basic is an ideal policy for customers whose driving intensity is not high or moderate. The basic protection framework is competitive and the protection level can be pushed to the maximum by activating optional features.

  1. Police Catastrophe.

Catastrophic policies for car insurance in Indonesia are the best solution for customers who live in flood-prone areas. The protection it provides targets the engine block and the interior of the car.

  1. Hybrid Protection.

Hybrid protection is the best policy to support business. This policy is ideal for customers who have a car rental business. The protection is a combination of Comprehensive and TLO. The basic framework remains TLO.

Top Car Insurance Companies in Indonesia

Currently, there are many options for listing car insurance companies that are active in Indonesia. They are the top company in the insurance industry in Indonesia. Each of these companies offers a variety of advantages. However, in general these companies provide the same basic benefits. The car insurance company benefits that customers can enjoy are:

  1. Car insurance as a protector of income from future risks.
  2. Insurance is a guarantee for future plans because it protects money from financing losses.
  3. Car insurance is a guarantee of protection for customers from risk losses.
  4. Insurance is a form of investment that gives hope for a better future.

Furthermore, the car insurance company also continues to innovate. Apart from car insurance products, innovation is also provided through its services to make things easier for customers. Like insureka!, the insurance industry currently has to develop digital technology. Because digital has now become an entire insurance business landscape. Digital technology opens up a better and more useful customer experience for customers. No less important, today's market is digitally connected.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Car Insurance

With many product options and car insurance companies on offer, customers are asked to be responsive in choosing them. The basis of insurance is to provide protection. There are several aspects of the company's insurance system that must be paid attention to. Because, a car insurance industry system must have the following aspects:

  1. Insurable Interest Aspect.

This aspect is a person's right to have access to protection from risk. This right automatically arises when the insurance agreement or policy is activated and has legal force.

  1. Aspect of Utmost Good Faith.

This aspect of car insurance is a form of good faith. This means that there is transparency regarding various matters regarding the agreements contained in the policy. All data and information must be valid.

  1. Indemnity Aspect.

This aspect is a form of compensation for any risks that arise and are stated in the policy.

Penghargaan insureka!
  1. Aspects of Subrogation.

This aspect provides a guarantee that the protection provided by insurance is able to resolve any risks that arise with the inclusion of a third party.

  1. Contribution Aspect.

Contribution is a form of collaboration between several insurance companies to resolve any risks that arise.

  1. Proximate Cause Aspect.

This principle is Proximal Causation which ensures that every risk that arises must have a trigger. This means that compensation or claims are given to customers in accordance with the clauses stated in the policy. So, this is where customer foresight is needed in designing the protection system from the start. This means that the facility for expanding coverage through activating optional features must be optimized.

How to Compare and Choose the Right Car Insurance

Customers do have options in choosing products from car insurance companies in Indonesia. For this reason, there are several things you must pay attention to when choosing car insurance including comparing them. These methods are:

  1. Selection of Insurance Products According to Their Needs.

Insurance products must be tailored to customer needs. Moreover, insureka! has prepared its insurance products according to customer needs.

  1. Ensure the Credibility of the Insurance Company.

Company credibility is the main thing. Because, this list of car insurance companies concerns the continuity of the 'investment' that has been given by the customer. Ideally, a company with basic insurance is also affiliated with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

  1. Ensuring the Availability of a Wide Workshop Network.

The insurance industry ideally has a wide network of repair shops. This means that the distribution of workshops can immediately resolve any risks that arise quickly and completely. And, insureka! has prepared +490 workshop connections in various regions of Indonesia.

  1. Understand Product Benefits in Detail.

Current insurance products have various specifications for their use. For this reason, customers must know the various benefits these products have.

  1. Keep Comparing All Aspects and Illustrations.

Comparison is the best way to test the plus or minus aspects of a car insurance company system and insurance products. That way, customers have many references to decide on the product and even the insurance company they will choose.

  1. Pay attention to the age of the car unit.

The age of the car has a big influence on the insurance product that will be applied. For new cars, customers should ideally use Comprehensive Premium or Comprehensive Basic products. As for cars over 5 years old, you can optimize TLO products.

  1. Menghitung Ketersediaan Anggaran.

Calculating Budget Availability.

Daftar Perusahaan Asuransi Mobil di Indonesia


Is car insurance mandatory in Indonesia?

Insurance is an important need. This is because risks can arise at any time with maximum potential losses. By activating insurance protection products, the risk financing burden can be shared proportionally with the insurance company.

What are the different types of car insurance policies available in Indonesia?

There are various insurance policies available, such as Comprehensive Premium, Total Loss Only, Comprehensive Basic, Hybrid Protection, and Catastrophic Policies.

What Factors Can Affect My Car Insurance Premiums in Indonesia?

What factors can affect my car insurance premium in Indonesia?

Can I purchase car insurance online in Indonesia?

With its digital system, every customer can make purchases and even claims online. For insureka!, the registration and claim process can be done via the website or the insureka application! with Smartphone media.


Customers have many options in choosing insurance companies and their products. Because, the number of companies active in Indonesia is very maximum. The products are also diverse, some have even diversified. However, there are several things that must be considered when choosing an insurance company or product.

Among the many car insurance systems available in Indonesia, the best recommendation is given by the trusted brand Insureka!. The products offered have been prepared according to customer needs. Registration and claim is easy online. The digital system is based on Artificial Intelligence so it is more accountable and transparent. insureka! also ensures premium financing efficiency of up to 45% in one year with applicable terms and conditions.(*)